The Rental Experience #8 - A Difficult Situation

a blog-series recounting the making of "Seven Year Rental"
Within just a few weeks our momentum had stalled.
While our first formal-interview day had moved us in the right direction, we were struggling with our in-store filming efforts. I had only spent a handful of nights recording security-camera footage and we had only made a few attempts at working with our digital camera. We still weren't very comfortable with the digital camera, and trying to figure out how to overcome this became a point of contention. We still didn't even know how well we'd be able to work that footage into the formal interview material. Some of us questioned whether we should pursue the in-store filming at all.
We were stuck. I didn't know how to move us forward without more footage, but we wouldn't have more footage until we moved forward. We were all getting a little burned out and I blame myself for a lot of the frustration the five of us were feeling at that time. I failed to derive a clear path forward from all of the discussion and debate we’d worn ourselves out doing over the past few weeks.
But we'd put in a lot of hours with this since May and I truly believed that if we continued on we would work it out, and if we abandoned it we would regret it. And I believed that everyone else felt the same way.
But in mid-November Brian told me that he just wasn't enthused by the project, and he didn't want to work on it anymore.
I feared that it might all collapse if anyone else decided this wasn’t working for them.