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The Rental Experience #1 - The Beginning

a blog-series recounting the making of "Seven Year Rental"

It didn’t seem very likely that we’d get very far. 

Our filmmaking story isn’t all that unique.  We were friends, we liked movies, we wanted to make one, we thought we could, and we gave it a go.  The only really unique thing about our story is that we stayed with it, year after year, a little bit at a time.  We followed through on an idea even when we had to build it from the ground up. 

We had no prior training or experience to draw from.  We had no resources or contacts to make use of.  We started from scratch.  But we managed to establish a foundation for the project that we’ve been able to build on since 2006. 

We haven’t reached the end yet, but we haven’t stopped either.

This blog is about everything that’s come before, and if we’re lucky, everything that comes next.


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