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The Rental Experience #4 - Momentum

a blog-series recounting the making of "Seven Year Rental"


Early on I started talking to an entertainment lawyer to find out what we needed to know about making a documentary from a legal standpoint.  And she spoke to me like this was a real project even before there was a real project.

We were throwing around a lot of ideas at that time.  From early on, we knew we’d want to use a combination of current and former employees, and traditional and security camera footage.  But there was still a lot of debate about how, and to what degree, we should use each of those elements.

But buying equipment and talking to a lawyer made it seem like this could really happen and believing that it could really happen kept us persistent to figure it out.  It all worked together to give us a momentum forward.

Some of us still had doubts that it would ever become anything, but at the very least it seemed like it might actually happen. 

That was genuinely exciting.


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