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The Rental Experience #6 - The Plan

a blog-series recounting the making of "Seven Year Rental"


The plan was for us to film a few times a week in the store for four months, from November through February.  From there we'd just edit it together and, you know, "finish it up".  
What actually came to pass was that we filmed for an entire year, until the following November of 2007.  February's events carried over into March... March carried into April... April carried to May... May pushed us way out to August, August led us into September... and by then it just made sense to continue until November.  It just happened.  When it looked like we'd be able to bring it to a close something else opened up. 
It got to the point where it was part of the everyday routine.  The movie was just another thing that had to be attended to and taken care of each day.
The first day that really got us in the game was our initial day filming interviews.



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